Friday, March 19, 2010

Brinley's beach day

In an effort to celebrate the lovely sunny day Brinley had her first day at the beach, well first trip to the beach. We were due to go to the vet, and since he is in that neighborhood we decided to have a run along the water first. Brinley was very curious about the water, but the waves lapping up against the shore scared the pants off the little monkey, and she began to leap in the air and bark at the water.

With some coaxing and throwing some rocks into the water, she finally got brave and ventured in to see if she could save the rocks. Once in she kept pawing at the water and trying to dig up the rocks.

After some beach fun we headed to the vet. So good news is the mites are totally gone, bad news is the bacterial infection seems to be getting worse and has also caused a secondary infection in her ear which is a total mess, (hence we went to the vet ahead of the regular schedule.) So new medication and a couple new tests to check some stuff out and we will see how things go.

Stayed tuned to this space for updates..............

1 comment:

  1. Brinley's beach pictures are just precious. I surely hope the infection is kicked asap.
    Good girl!
